Skills: Overview
skills listed Burning
Wheel Gold encompass most of the skills likely to
be known or used by characters in the world of Hârn.
A few skills in the BW rules, however, are not appropriate for the Hârn setting. These are listed in the Inappropriate Skills section of the sidebar on the left.
There are also some skills in the BW rules for which modification is useful in the Hârnic setting. These are discussed in the Modified Skills section below.
There are separate pages devoted to Religious Skills and to some New Skills proposed on this site.
Modified Skills
Some skills from Burning Wheel Gold may require a bit of re-interpretation or contextualization in the Hârnic setting. Here are some suggestions:
History (Ancient): This skill confers knowledge of Hârnic history, from the time of Elves through the age of Lothrim.
History (Local): This skill should be understood as applying to a specific kingdom (e.g. Tharda, Melderyn, Azadmere) or possibly even to a specific city or shire. The GM and players should decide upon the specific locale at the time the skill is taken.
History (Obscure): In Hârn, this skill confers knowledge of particularly mysterious points of Hârnic history, including history regarding the Earthmasters, the Dark Years, and the history of secret, arcane matters.
Philosophy: Harnic philosophers focus on natural philosophy rather than on moral or social questions. In Hârn, the Philosophy skill represents knowledge of Pvarism, the hexa-elemental philosophy of nature that is almost universally embraced by scholars and wizards.
Please also see the Religious Skills
page for a discussion of how to contextualize skills such as Demonology,
Doctrine, Religious History, Suasion in Hârn's unusual polytheistic environment.