Aklash for Burning Wheel
This page contains a Burning Wheel version of the Aklash, one of the five most common types of Ivashu.
The Vessel of Choking Wind: A blubbery, lumbering, bipedal omnivore with a breath of intense and indescribable foulness.
Generic Aklash Beliefs
- Pinecones and berries are the tastiest food, but I also must eat meat.
- To catch big, fast, or herd-dwelling meats,
I need to hunt with other Aklash; we will share our catch fairly.
- Lone humans or orcs are easy meat, but large groups of their kind are to be avoided.
Generic Aklash Instincts
- Belch at prey as soon as I see it; keep belching until it
is helpless.
- Use claws or breath to incapacitate or rend prey from a distance; use
fangs only on the inside.
- Never hunt with more than 2-3 other Aklash.
Aklash Stats, Attributes, Traits, Skills, etc.
The table below provides typical stats, attributes, traits, skills, and weapons for a generic Aklash. There could be variations among individual Aklash.
Several of the traits listed are Ivashu common traits, found on the general Ivashu page. Other traits are unique/specific to Aklash. (A list of unique Aklash traits is found below.) All other traits are either self-explanatory character traits or taken directly from the Monster Burner. For convenience, all traits taken from the Monster Burner are accompanied by a reference to the page number on which the trait is discussed.
Aklash: The Vessel of Choking Wind
Wi Pe Ag Sp Po Fo He Re Ste MW Res Cir B2 B2 B3 B3 B7 B7 B6 B3 B7 B14 B0 B1 Stride 7 Hesitation 8 PTGS Su Li Mi Se Tr Mo B4 B8 B11 B12 B13 B14 Traits Char Beast of the Barren Cycle, Sexless, Voracious Omnivore Die Alien (p. 319), The Brooder's Tongue, Brute (p. 324), Brutal Fangs (p. 330), Choking Wind, Color Blind, Deep Brainpan, Massive Stature (p.343), Obedient to the Brooder's Call, Regenerating Flesh, Slashing Claws (p.326), Rolls of Blubber Call (none) Skills Claw B4, Bite B3, Belch* B7, Foraging B5, High Speech (Ivashi) B1
*See the Choking Wind trait.Weapons and Damage Type/Name I M S Length VA WS Add Claws B4 B8 B12 Shortest 1 X 2 Fangs B5 B9 B13 Shortest — 1 2 Belch — — — Longest — Spec. —
Aklash-Specific Traits
Choking Wind | Dt | Aklash Trait |
An Aklash can use its breath as a weapon by belching foul air at an opponent. This is scripted as "Belch" and has a base target of Ob. 1, plus any normal Fight! modifiers for range, movement, etc. A Belch may be countered by Avoid, but Block or Counterstrike have no effect. For an Aklash belch, target location is irrelevant and there is no armor defense. If successful, the belch triggers a new Steel test in the victim, with additional successes by the Aklash increasing hesitation. An Aklash may not use its breath as a weapon more than once every three actions. An Aklash may use its breath when calculating for positioning in a Fight! volley if it has a Belch move scripted during that volley; it counts as a weapon in the “longest” category. |
Color Blind | Dt | Aklash Trait |
Aklash have poor vision and no sense of color. They are at +1 Ob to all observation tests and vision-based Perception tests. |
Deep Brainpan | Dt | Aklash Trait |
An Aklash's brain is not located in the skull, but in a protected brainpan inside of its thick, blubbery chest, beneath an additional layer of bones. Add +1 to Mortal Wound. |
Foul Miasma | Dt | Aklash Trait |
Even when not breathing directly at an opponent (see Choking Wind, above), a foul miasma always surrounds an Aklash. Anyone who enters into the presence of an Aklash must make an immediate Steel check. Failure results in nausea-induced hesitation for a number of actions equal to the margin of failure. (Note: Presence would include any Fight range other than missle range. This means that in a Fight situation, an Aklash's opponents will have to make a Steel check immediately aftr engaging the Aklash). |
Regenerating Flesh | Dt | Aklash Trait |
The skin and fat of an Aklash heal with terrifying rapidity. Each volley, one superficial wound will heal over. In the absence of superficial wounds, one light wound (-1D) will heal to become two superficial wounds (+1 Ob. total). In the absence of either superficial or light wounds, a midi, severe, or traumatic wound will heal (remove -1D from the wound's damage level and replace it with two superficial wounds, and a would of one lighter level). |
Rolls of Blubber | Dt | Aklash Trait |
The entire body of the Aklash is covered with a thick layer of protective blubber. This blubber reduces all incoming damage from blunt weapons or constriction by two pips on the PTGS scale (e.g. from B8 to B6); incoming damage from other sources (edged/piercing weapons, fire, etc.) is reduced by one pip. Cf. the trait Iron Hide on p. 333 of the Monster Burner. |