Sindarin Lifepaths
Although Sindarin society, as described in Hârn publications, does not wholly mirror the Elven social structure implied by the Burning Wheel rules, BWG's Elven Lifepaths can still be used to create Sindarin characters.
Elven Lifepaths & The Sindarin
Below are some guidelines for burning Sindarin characters using BWs Elven lifepaths:
- The Wilderlands Setting lifepaths would
be for time dwelling in clan halls within the Shava Forest.
- The Citadel Setting lifepaths can be used
for time spent in the city of Elshavel or at the
harbor at Ulfshafen.
- The Etharch Setting is ideal for Sindarin
who belong to Evael's royal clan or one of the other tweve clans
who hold seats the Valpalen advisory council.
- The Protector Sub-Setting would be for Evael's
'military', which might include guards at Elshavel or Ulfshafen or
rangers in the wilds of the forest.
- The lifepaths in the Path of Spite Sub-Setting (found the Paths of Spite article on the Burning Wiki) can be used for the Morsindar (“Dark Elves”), who have rejected the rule of King Aranath and dwell elswhere in Hârn.