Cultural Traits for Hârn's Barbarians
Hârn's tribal nations can be assigned distinctive cultural traits, based on the descriptions provided in the Hârn Barbarians publication. Below are suggestions for each nation.
As cultural traits, Adaenum characters get both the Adherent of Manaclir and Totem* traits. They also get 1-2 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Reverence for the Sea (Ct.)
- Fear of Witches (Ct.)
- Distrust of Outsiders (Ct.)
*Suggested totems include Gull, Crab, Seal, and Puffin.
As cultural traits, Anoan characters get Adherent of K'orr (Ilvir) as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Nomadic (Ct.)
- Fearful Reverence of Ivashu (Ct.)
- Attack from Behind (Ct.)
- Respect for Burial Places (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Bujoc characters get the Totem* trait as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Taboo Against Metal Weapons (Ct.)
- Respect for the Sha Women (Ct.)
- Respect for the Land (Ct.)
- Sexual Openness (Ct.)
*Suggested totems for women include Crow, Frog, Fox, Kingfisher, Mountain Goat, Mouse, Owl, Squirrel, Vole, Wild Cat; suggested totems for men include Beaver, Eel, Fallow Deer, Perch, Pheasant, Rabbit, Roe Deer, Salmon, and Wild Pig.
As cultural traits, Chelni characters get either the Animistic or Adherent of Sarajin traits as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Not Strongly Religious (Ct.)
- Hatred of Lothrim & Elkall-Anuz (Ct.)
- Fanatical About Horses (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Chymak characters get both the Adherent of Kualthurlu and Totem* traits as well as 1-2 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Superstitious (Ct.)
- Fear of the Sindarin (Ct.)
- Follower of the Shrouded Walker (Ct.)
*Coastal animals are recommended for Chymak totems.
As cultural traits, Equani characters get both Adherent of Equani/Kuboran/Urdu Gods and Animistic as well as 1-2 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Facial Branding (Ct.)
- War-Loving (Ct.)
- Admiration for the Shevrach (Ct.)
- Ancestor Worship (Ct.)
- Sacred Regard for Kiraz (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Chymak characters get the Adherent of Oyinath trait as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Love of Folktales (Ct.)
- Respect for Spirits (Ct.)
- Cannibalistic (Ct.) (Ramali tribes only)
- Tolerant of Outsiders (Ct.) (Mimeyi tribes only)
- In Awe of the Sindarin (Ct.) (Domi tribes only)
As cultural traits, Hodiri characters get the Godless trait as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Ambitious (Ct.)
- Fatalistic (Ct.)
- Honorable (Ct.)
- Love of Contests (Ct.)
- Pragmatic (Ct.)
- Scorn for Miracles & Magic (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Kabloqui characters get the Animistic trait as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Facial Branding (Ct.)
- Contempt for the Weak (Ct.)
- Hostile to Outsiders (even other Kabloqui) (Ct.)
- Few Taboos (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Kamaki characters get the Adherent of Kamaki Gods trait. They also get 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Dark Complexion (Ct.)
- Respect for the Elders (Ct.)
- Strange Language (Ct.)
- Devotion to Brigyde (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Kath characters get the Totem trait as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- No Sexual Prejudice (Ct.)
- Democratic (Ct.)
- A Bit Short (Ct.) (male characters only)
- Fair of Face and Voluptuous (Ct.) (female characters only)
*Suggested totems include Bear, Boar, Cougar, Eagle, Stag, and Wolf. Fox is not recommended as a totem, because of Kath beliefs about foxes.
As cultural traits, Kuboran characters get Adherent of Equani/Kuboran/Urdu Gods as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Facial Tattoos/Scarification (Ct.)
- Love of Debate & Argument (Ct.)
- Sharp Tongued (Ct. female characters only)
- Fear of Being Mocked by Women (Ct.; male characters only)
As cultural traits, Pagaelin characters get either Adherent of Saraen (Sarajin) or Adherent of the Walker (Naveh) as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Brutal (Ct.)
- Underhanded (Ct.)
- Suspicious (Ct.)
- Contempt for Women (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Solori characters get Adherent of Matasum as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Short and Stocky (Ct.)
- Violent Code of Personal Honor (Ct.)
- Tenacious (Ct.)
- Contempt for Foreign Gods (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Taelda characters get Adherent of Cothllynn as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Respect for Healers (Ct.)
- Friendly to (Polite) Strangers (Ct.)
- Melt into the Woods (Ct.)
- Reverence of Tribal History (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Tulwyn characters get Adherent of Kekamar and Animistic as well as 1-2 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Honorable (Ct.)
- Polite (Ct.)
- Ruthless (Ct.)
- Hatred of Magic (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Urdu characters get Adherent of Equani/Kuboran/Urdu Gods as well as 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following:
- Facial Tattoos/Scarification (Ct.)
- Love of Gambling (Ct.)
- Ancestor Worship (Ct.)
- Reverence for "The Water of the Oath" (Ct.)
As cultural traits, Ymodi characters get the Adherent of Wajok and Totem* traits, as well as 1-2 of the following
- Animistic (Ct.)
- Blunt (Ct.)
- Sacrosant Guest-Host Bonds (Ct.)
- Tolerant of Gargun (Ct.)
*Suggested totems include Bear, Eagle, Fox, Hare, Mountain Goat, Otter, Salmon, Cougar, and Wolf.